Homebound #2


Rimini to Milan

And again, gratitude to miself for choosing a 1:st class Eurrail pass. Face mask on.
Since I’m a fairly frequent traveller in-between my two homes in Stockholm and Malmö, and happen to both prefer the train, as well as having mostly good experiences with our state run domestic train company I feel they DO have room for improvement in their 1:st class cars…

I was talking to an Italian lady on the platform. She was a gym ed teacher in elementary school, going to Switzerland on an interview. Due to the mandatory demand on her to vaccinate against Covid as a teacher, she had sold her house and was going to emigrate. I myself is vaccinated, but if I was forced to… I myself would leave. My body… is for me to decide about.

And the compulsory face masks on many trains outside of Sweden was my main concern when I decided to do this Eurrail travelling. I hate face masks, and think they are so say the least, gross. However, not only is it respectful to take the custom where it comes, I laso see the practicality in following the law where I’m at. Face mask on.


Tågluffarbagage bestående av en cykeltransportväska, en barnvagnsväska, ett litet rött daypack från Osprey och en liten ryggsäck i kabinstorlek från Osprey
Två tågsäten i läder i en 1:a-klassvagn i Italien


Milan to Zurich

Due to being a bit cheap I rushed through Switzerland on my way to Italy, I felt like enjoying it on my way back. Specifically, enjoying the order of EVERYTHING. When travelling, I really appreciate the not so orderly setting of things, as a break from Swedish society. Italy offered plenty 😊. Contrasts makes life so much more interesting.

And as soon as we pass the Swiss border, we’re quite a few that remove our face masks 😊

Ett par fötter på ett tågsäte med en skjorta som sätesskydd
Tågspår och Zürichzee och alper i bakgrunden
En cykeltransportsväska i en 1:a-klassvagn på ett Schweiz
Grafitti i en tågtunnel på väg ut ur Zürich Schweiz