Hiking Trails in Porto Venere
Hanging out in nature is one of my basic needs. But hiking isn’t my thing in my ordinary everyday life. But when travelling I absolutely love the spontaneous hiking if possible.
Doing my morning exercise in Porto Venere I ran into quite a few trails without even thinking about the red & white markings, that is the official sign for trails. There are so many trails in the close area, as well as in the surrounding areas. And the trails are awesome for mindful hiking due to it’s varying grounds.
Your Water & Co
Oh do I plan before I travel, just to drop all plans while travelling. Most things happen from the hip. Morning walks is a necessity (like… water) and take place pretty much every morning. I don’t like to carry water during this routine. But finding all these interesting and challenging trails prolonged my morning walks. Next time… water, sunscreen and band aids.
Planning Your Hike
There are plenty of maps if you like to hike. Straight out of Porto Venere, or you can take the bus to other near by trails. Cinque Terre is well known for it’s hiking trails. The buses from Porto Venere runs quite regularly, and you buy your ticket from a vending machine close to the bus stop.
Some trail guides
All trails
Palmaria Island
A nature reservation and an island located just opposite of the small harbour in P.V. The island offers popular trails, and for some unknown reason I never went. I guess I had plenty to explore on the mainland. I do regret that, now that I’m writing about it. Learning by doing.
Hiking at Palmaria
Hiking Project
Vandringsled direkt från torget i Porto Venere
Här är den mest lättillgängliga ingången till en av vandringslederna. Den utgår från torget i Porto Venere, och det torget går heller inte att missa. När du har ryggen mot vattnet, och magen upp mot bergen så ser du en fortliknande byggnad -som har en portal till vänster som leder till en av de mysiga restaurang- och butiksgränderna- lite till vänster.
Ta trapporna till höger utmed “fortet/tornbyggnaden” så ser du strax de rödvita markeringarna. Vad leden heter vet jag inte, jag hade aldrig någon karta, utan trampade runt och fram och tillbaka och hittade trots mitt sjaviga lokalsinne ändå hem utan att bryta ihop.
The End, of a trail.